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About the Auction
Our annual charity auction event is one of the largest fundraisers for our school. Its success every year is due to our extraordinary parents, parish families, and the local community.
The event is a ticketed dinner with a silent and live auction that typically takes place the second Saturday in February.
There are opportunities to volunteer and sponsor the event.
SAVE THE DATE: March 1, 2025
Saying YES to Faith-Based Education
Supporting St. Andrew's Charity Auction means you are saying YES to faith-based education.
Mental health was just declared a national crisis, and we know smaller class sizes, an active community, and a purpose rooted in Christ can make all the difference for struggling kids.
Your support helps us offset the operating costs for St. Andrew's Elementary School so we can focus on educating students to produce well-rounded citizens dedicated to positively impacting the world around them.
We are looking for businesses to partner with us— and help St. Andrew’s create a LEGACY of impact. Is that you or your company?
2025 Sponsorship Info
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