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1st Grade Garden Week 2!

Ms. Humphrey

Teachers Notes:

Hello and welcome back to another week in 1st Grade! This week in reading we will be talking about the difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction, as well as the importance of characters and details. Our letters for this week include the following; c,f, o, d, h, e, b and l. We are also breaking apart words into beginning, middle and end sounds. In math this week we are continuing to work on adding and subtracting numbers between 1 and 10. As always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me at: or send a note in. I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Important Dates:

  1. Monday August 22- Trash Bag sales begin

  2. Wednesday August 24- Choir from 2:45-3:15

  3. Thursday August 25- Home and School meeting, 6:30 pm

  4. Friday August 26- Pajama Day, and Family Picnic (11:30-12:05)

  5. Monday September 5-No school Labor day

  6. Thursday September 8- Trash Bag Sales end

  7. Friday September 9- Grandparents Day


Every Friday your student will be able to "check-out" a book from the classroom to take home over the weekend. They can keep the books for as long as they want but will not be able to "check-out" a new book until the book they have is brought back in. Every day we will be sending home a yellow folder, please check to ensure that you do not miss anything.


The only homework for this week is to read for at least 15 minutes. It can be broken up between the days or on one day. If you would like to read more than 15 minutes that would be great, but you do not have to.

St. of the week:

St. John Neumann born in 1811 and died in 1860. John Neumann was born in Bohemia and came to America. He became a priest. He was the first sent to strengthen the faith of German immigrants near Buffalo, New York. he later became a redemptorist priest, and before long was ordained a bishop to serve in Philadelphia. While there, 98 Catholic schools and 80 new churches were built. His feast day is January 5th.

Prayer of the week:

"Lord God, we thank you for calling Saint John Neumann to build up the church in America. Help us to remember that when we gather to pray in our parish church, Jesus is with us. Amen."

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