Wait... before we jump into 2022, let's have a little flashback in the last 2 weeks of school right before the break...
We celebrated 4 birthdays in 1 week!!!
Hardy and Kruze turned 4...
and Asher and Ryken turned 5!!!
Our little singers performed in our Christmas program and they were SO CUTE :)
and we had our Christmas party (thank you parents for making it SO FUN and for the yummy and super cute treats!!!).
We did learn some new letters: F (for french ;) and G (for God). We talked about giving and colored Christmas pictures to thank a resident of Frontier Estates in Abilene who gave a Christmas tree to our preschool class. We talked about Advent and what getting ready for Christmas means. We read stories about Mary and Joseph welcoming Jesus!
What a fun way to finish the year!!!
And now we are back, and it is 2022!!! Thank you for choosing St Andrew's as your children's school :) Mrs Simenson and myself are blessed to teach your little ones every day :) Thank you also for your generosity and all the wonderful gifts that we received over the holidays :) Merci beaucoup and Danke schon

This week was H week.
H is for Harper, Henley, and Hardy!
H is also for home, hat, Heaven
and Mrs Hunter!
We shared what we did during the holidays, we talked about the new year and the winter season.
Our religion lesson was: God Made People. We drew pictures of ourselves, so special and unique!
And we played together and it was so much fun to see each other again!
Coming up: The report cards for the 2nd quarter will be in the red folders on Monday :)
Our annual charity auction will be on Saturday February 12. In the meantime, we have A LOT to do! A packet was sent home on Friday. We are asking for families to sign up to help if possible in an area that interests them. We are also asking for a monetary participation towards the classroom project that our class will be making and selling at the auction. Please contact Carly Nusbaum, our classroom coordinator, if you would like to help with this. The raffle tickets are for you to sell (please do not cut them apart and bring back the entire sheets after they are filled, it is easier to work with full pages).
I know that for most of you, this is your first auction with us, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question at all. This is a really fun event and I would love for you to be a part of it :)
Enjoy a wonderful weekend, and I will see you all back on Monday :)
Mrs Aline Hunter