Teachers Notes:
Hope that you all had a wonderful weekend. Thank you to all my parents for sending in snacks and for all that you do. This Friday we will be holding auditions for the talent show. Please help your student prepare and if there is anything I can do to help please let me know. Also if you have any questions about the talent show please email me and I will get back to you with the answers. I hope that you have a wonderful week!
Important Dates:
January 23 - Proclamation Signing, 4:00 p.m.
January 26-100th day of School 1st grade can dress up as old people or in the fashion of the1920's if they would like.
January 29 - Catholic Schools Week Begins
January 30 - No Uniform Day if you Dress as a Saint
January 31 - Bishop Vincke Mass, 1:30 p.m.; Building Committee Meeting, 6:30
Monday- Read for 10 minutes, practice spelling and sight words, and a math sheet. If your student wanted to participate in the art contest that was sent home last week those are due on Tuesday.
Tuesday- Read for 10 minutes, practice spelling and sight words, and a math sheet
Wednesday- Read for 10 minutes, practice spelling and sight words, and a math sheet
Thursday- Read for 10 minutes, practice spelling and sight words, and a math sheet
Friday- No Homework!
Spelling words:
Language arts:
In reading this week, we will be learning about the past and how things have changed. We will also be working on what sound the o, u, and e make when they are followed by a silent e. When your student is reading to you this week please help point out words that may have the silent e in them. Such as the words, like, bike, cube, eve, steve, mole, mule, etc. By doing this it will help reinforce what they have learned in school.
In math this week, we will continue working on subtracting from teen numbers. We are always working on getting faster at adding numbers between 0-10. The homework each night will focus either on adding or subtracting numbers.
In religion this week, we are continuing to focus on the Eucharist and Christ's presence in the Eucharist. We are also going to start talking about how Jesus teaches us about forgiveness. Our Saint of the week is Saint John Vianney. He lived from 1786-1859. John Vianney was ordained a priest after the French Revolution. He was sent to a poor parish in Ars, where Catholics were lax about their faith. Father Vianney prayed for them and visited every family. He spent hours hearing confessions. Because of his understanding and holiness, people came back to church. His feast day is August 4th. Our prayer for the week is the following: "Loving God, you are always ready to forgive us when we choose to do wrong. Help our family to be loving and forgiving in the days ahead. Amen."
Catholic Schools week reminders:
Monday - No Uniform if you Dress as a Saint
Tuesday - Uniforms Required - Tops & Bottoms (Wear a hat and silly socks with your uniform)
Wednesday - Uniforms Required - (Wear as much Red, White, and Blue as you want with Uniform)
Thursday - No Uniform if you Dress to Represent a Profession you Admire, Spelling Bee starting at 1:00
Friday - No Uniform if you Dress in Pajamas and Crazy Hair Day - Just for Fun! Talent Show starting at 12:15 and Family picnic day starting at 11:30!