·Essential Question of the week: What can you do?
·Concepts of print, identify words, word building
Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme blending, isolation, segmentation
·Literature Big book/questions/answers
. Verbs, rhymes, identify sight words, picture sort, syllables
. Sight Words: I, not, can, Just, your
· Lesson 10: Within circular and scattered dot configurations of numbers 3,4, and 5
· Lesson 11: Model decomposition of 3 with materials, drawings, and expressions. Represent the decomposition as 1+2 and 2+1
· Lesson 12: Understanding the meaning of zero. Write the numeral 0
· Lesson 13: order and write numerals 0-3 to answer how many questions
· Lesson 14: write numerals 1-3. Representing decomposition with materials, drawings, and equations, 3=2+1 and 3=1+2
Up-Coming Events in September
· 8 - Trash Bag Sales End
· 9 - Grandparent Day - Sack Lunch Picnic Day
·19 - Picture Day
· 24 - Capital Campaign Open House
· 26 - No School; Staff Inservice