Parents, Parish, and Community Members who are interested in supporting the Onward Campaign are invited to join us for an Open House on Saturday, September 24th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
We will welcome Bishop Vincke and others in our community to support St. Andrew's mission to create a lasting impact through quality Catholic Education.
Each room of the school will represent a different part of the project so you can purchase anything from the kitchen sink to an entire classroom. Sip some yummy drinks and enjoy an assortment of food as you select parts of the project to support.
This is a 21+ event. Every friend you bring with you, you will be entered into a fun giveaway!
Spend $10 to $10,000, it's up to you! In addition to Purchasing your Piece of St. Andrew's School, play games like Card Blitz and participate in our 50/50 Raffle.
Please join us for games, food, fellowship, and fun to support this worthy cause.
About the Onward Campaign
Help support St. Andrew's Elementary School raise $3 million over the next three years to provide our community with a safe, upgraded, and Christ-centered environment. More information or to pledge now, please visit www.standrewsabilene.com/onward.
Ways you can support this Campaign
Join us by praying for St. Andrew’s Community that we be people who are Rooted and Grounded in Faith.
Please go like our page, RSVP to our event, and share our event with your friends and family.
Consider lending your leadership to help inspire the community to support this campaign. Email onwardsta@gmail.com to connect.