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St. Andrew's News, August 12, 2022

Principal Whitehair

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

Next Week-

Monday - First Day for Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten; After School Program Begins; School Mass, 2:00 (Holy Day)

Tuesday - Safety Talk - Grades K - 5

Wednesday - 2:00 Mass, NO CHOIR

Thursday -

Friday - Sack Lunch Option Day

Important Notes-

We are off to a TERRIFIC start!! Thank you all for your prayers and support. Special thanks for the food items and door prizes for staff members - this made for an extra fun Back to School Inservice.

School masses next week are on Monday (Holy Day) and Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.

Please join us if you can. Mass collections in August and September go to the Adopt-a-Student Fund. Students are encouraged to bring money for the Monday and Wednesday mass collections, even if just a coin or two. THANK YOU for teaching your child about the importance of stewardship and helping others.

Please make sure your child is bringing a water bottle each day. This should have his/her name on it.

If your child is eating breakfast, please let his/her teacher know. We do not want your to receive an unexpected bill for breakfast if your child is not supposed to be eating breakfast.

All families are asked to participate in the school's lunch program. Students are not allowed to bring sack lunches except on designated days. Because of the small size of our school, we would not be able to continue our lunch program financially if we allow sack lunches. We know that paying for lunches may strain some families this year, so we are adding a Friday sack lunch option EVERY Friday this school year. Some of these will be family picnic days; the rest will just be sack lunch option days.

To sign up for sack lunches from the KITCHEN, use this link:

You do not need to sign up if you send a sack lunch with your child. No fast foods on the optional sack lunch days, please. Save those for family picnic days.

To see if your family is eligible for free or reduced lunches, please apply here:

If you qualify - your participation helps our school!


  • Please make sure your child is wearing socks and gym shoes daily. This is important for P.E. classes.

  • Dresses are not part of the uniform policy. Jumpers, skorts or skirts are allowed. We have been asked to consider adding dresses, so this will be presented to the School Council in September to consider. Until then, girls should not wear dresses as uniforms.

  • Girls wearing jumpers need to wear a red, white, or blue shirt underneath the jumper.

Thank you, Fr. Peter, for blessing our classrooms on the first day of school!!

August -

15 - Holy Day Mass, 2:00 p.m.

16 - K - 5 Safety Talks

19 - Summer Reading Party

22 - Trash Bag Sales Begin

25 - Home & School Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

26 - No Uniform Day, Family Picnic Day

September -

8 - Trash Bag Sales End

9 - Grandparent Day - Sack Lunch Picnic Day

19 - Picture Day

24 - Capital Campaign Open House

26 - No School; Staff Inservice

God bless your family with a GREAT weekend!

Principal Whitehair


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St. Andrew's Elementary School

Tel: 785-263-2453



301 S. Buckeye

Abilene, KS 67410

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